Name: Hal Koberinski

Profession: Rail Operations Specialist


Key Qualifications:


  Hal Koberinski’s Experience
General Qualifications Harold Koberinski has thirty years of experience in the management of Class 1 railway operations and administration. He is particularly experienced in the transportation sector, where he has been responsible for train operations and administration as well as initiatives to improve return on investment as related to operational performance through the introduction of market driven approaches to the matter of strategic planning matters. 
Adequacy for the Project He has been responsible the operation of a strategic main line terminal, supervising the operation of more that thirty trains per day including passenger service, and including a twenty four hour per day yard and industrial switching operation. In addition, he has acted as a shift manager in a major hump yard, supervising ten-yard crews in the matter of the marshalling of approximately 2,000 cars daily, with additional responsibilities as an operations productivity specialist. Latterly, Mr. Koberinski was the operations manager for a medium sized short line railway with responsibilities for nine operating crews running eight trains per day, including “just in time” auto traffic as well as eight passenger trains per day on his territory. In this role, he was also personally responsible for all aspects of operations administration including the management of a $5.0M operating budget. This operation is located in south western Ontario exemplified by severe winter operating conditions. He also has had several years experience as a senior officer in the employee relations and labour relations functions.
Experience in region & language  Mr. Koberinski has worked in Canada, the United States, Jordan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Thailand and Pakistan and is fluent in English.
Technical expertise

Mr. Koberinski is an expert in the management of railway operational and administrative requirements through the use of computer applications including all aspects of the Microsoft Office Suite. Mr. Koberinski is also familiar with other operating system technologies including Linux and Free BSD.



Relevant Experience Related to this Project:

Central Canadian Railway Inc. 2012 to present Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Canada

Director of Railway Operations managing the daily operations and administration for two western short line entities including:

1. directing daily train operations and the duties of train and engine crews;

2. administration of operations e.g. overseeing locomotive maintenance and repairs, payment of operational accounts;

3. invoicing customers and collecting payments;

4. act as the direct liaison with federal and provincial railway regulators in the matter of the many statutes and regulations such as:

a) Canadian Railway Operating Rules;

b) Work/Rest Rules for Railway Operating Employees;

c) Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations;

d) Railway Freight and Passenger Train Brake Inspection and Safety Rules;

e) Railway Locomotive Inspection & Safety Rules;

f) Railway Rules Governing Safety Critical Positions;

g) Railway Locomotive Inspection & Safety Rules;

h) Railway Safety Management System Regulations, 2015;

i) Railway Safety Administrative Monetary Penalties Regulations;

j) Grade Crossings Regulations;

k) General Operating Instructions;

l) Operating Time Table.


Saudi Arabian Landbridge Project (2007)

Consultation for Project Bid

Examine, assess and value operation assets of Saudi Rail Organization and the proposed land bridge concession from 2010 to 2060. Analyzed and forecast current and future traffic patterns for Red Sea and Persian Gulf ports. Analyzed current SRO staff and forecast transfers to the concessionaire. Struck staff budgets from 2010 to 2060. Simulated passenger, bulk and container train traffic for the proposed land bridge for the period 2010 to 2050. Prepared string diagrams and timetables. Prepared due diligence report in the matter of current and future operations challenges and initiatives.

Nigerian Bureau of Privatisation Enterprises (2006)

Privatisation (Concessioning) of Nigerian Railways Corporation

Examine, assess and value operation assets of Nigerian Railway Corporation. Carried out financial and economic analysis of former privatisation initiatives and adjudged their usefulness for future Concessioning initiatives. Prepared due diligence report in the matter of current and future operations challenges and initiatives. Future duties relating to this project include:

• Assess investor interest in the concessions

• Prepare the Concession Agreement (CA)

• Assist BPE to prequalify bidders

• Prepare final bidding and transaction agreements

• Support BPE during the bidding process

• Assist BPE to evaluate the bids

• Negotiate and close the transactions


Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA) (2006)

Establishment of a Transit system for the City of Lagos, Nigeria

Update conceptual design of Lagos Rail Mass Transit (LRMT) system performed by Dar Al - Handasah Consultants – Nigeria (“DAR”) report entitled “Mass Transit and Transport Systems Management Programme for The Lagos Metropolitan Area - Volume 2 - FINAL REPORT MASS TRANSIT” of May 1994. Reported on the continuing viability of the DAR study in terms of choice of methods of propulsion and related infrastructure design. Simulated both the 1994 recommendations (diesel motive power) as well as 2006 alternatives (metro style EMU configurations) at various station locations and spacing, as well as several theoretic headway alternatives. Future duties relating to this project include:

• Carry out financial and economic analysis

• Prepare due diligence report (LRMT)

• Assess investor interest in the concessions

• Assist BPE to prequalify bidders

• Assist BPE to evaluate the bids

• Negotiate and close the transactions


Office of Transportation Planning (2004)

State Railway of Thailand

Principal advisor in the matter of the restructuring of railway freight and passenger operations in conjunction with the operation of a newly designed rapid transit system both utilizing the same plant and right of way. Performed detailed 20 year scheduling for 312 commuter trains, 50 regular passenger trains and 20 freight trains all operating on three elevated tracks between Rangsit and Bang Sue Thailand some 40 miles. Performed organizational evaluations of the current operations management system, and planned a new transportation organization


Government of Bangladesh (2003)

Re-Organization of Bangladesh National Railways

Principal advisor in the matter of the restructuring of the railway from its current format into three separate, privately owned enterprises. Performed organisational evaluations of the current system, zero base analysis of organization and related staffing for the privatised entities and recommended solutions for the resultant redundancies on Pakistan Railways, including the development of separation plans for operating personnel through the development of revised operations, train services and advanced staff planning.


Aqaba Railway Corporation Privatization and Restructuring Study

(Jordan, 1997-1998, Rail Operations Specialist, Aqaba Railway Corp/World Bank)

Mr. Koberinski provided rail operations expertise. Working with Colin Taylor, our proposed Lead Technical Specialist, he performed zero base analysis of crewing and related staffing for the privatised entity.


Privatisation of Pakistan Railways

(Pakistan, 1997, Rail Operations Specialist, Privatisation Commission)

Mr. Koberinski provided advice in the matter of the restructuring of the railway from its current format into three separate, privately owned enterprises. Working with Colin Taylor, our proposed Lead Technical Specialist, he performed organisational evaluations of the current system, zero base analysis of organization and related staffing for the privatised entities and recommended solutions for the resultant redundancies on Pakistan Railways, including the development of separation plans.


South Saskatchewan Railway

Evaluation and Business Case for Short Line Railway

Team leader - analysed and evaluated rail assets then developed an approach and a business plan towards purchase of the Tyvan Subdivision from Canadian Pacific Railway, including traffic forecasting, marketing plans and salvage values including all rail assets and related lands and structures. Formulated a business plan, operating plan and purchase strategy. Arranged for licensing approvals and prepared and promulgated a staffing plan, operating plan and Rail Safety Plan as required by the Railway Act of Saskatchewan.


Strategic Planning 2006

Prince Albert Regional Economic Development Authority

Created a strategic plan to foster the retention of a rail line in the PAREDA’s territory. Performed rail and highway historic traffic patterns and forecast future traffic levels for both industrial and agricultural traffic sources. Did site examination and recommendation for the location of the proposed inland terminal. Drafted the final report, including graphic traffic vectors and traffic source maps. Designed. Developed, authored and managed an on-line shipper survey, collected and promulgated the results. Designed and wrote a business plan relating to the purchase and operation of the proposed rail purchase. Met with and assisted a major future customer (ethanol manufacturing plant) in the development and implementation of their rail operating and marketing strategies. 


Governmental Affairs 2007

Competition Bureau Canada

Provide economic analysis and advice relating to the review of a Proposed Acquisition to the Commissioner of Competition. Specific work will included assisting in assessing the competitive implications of the abovementioned matter by participating in visits to industrial sites for the purpose of assessing the qualitative viability of these sites as potential subjects for divestiture. Provided advice with respect to the identification of potential assets for divestiture from an economic and structural standpoint. Identified issues of potential relevance. Provided reports on the qualitative and quantitative nature of industrial sites and their likely competitive effects when identified as potential subjects for divestiture. Provided views on issues raised by the parties or the Commissioner. Performed other related miscellaneous tasks as requested by the Commissioner. Participated in telephone conferences and attended meetings with Bureau representatives as required. Submitted written reports to the Commissioner's counsel, containing analysis and recommendations on various issues relating to the above-mentioned matter. Provided expert testimony on behalf of the Bureau before the Competition Tribunal. 


Strategic Planning 2006

Moose Jaw Regional Economic Development Authority

Created a strategic plan to foster the development of an inland container terminal at or near the city of Moose Jaw SK. Performed rail and highway historic traffic patterns and forecast future traffic levels for both industrial and agricultural traffic sources. Did site examination and recommendation for the location of the proposed inland terminal. Drafted the final report, including graphic traffic vectors and traffic source maps. Designed. Developed, authored and managed an on-line shipper survey, collected and promulgated the results.


Fife Lake Railway

Evaluation and Business Case for Short Line Railway

Team leader - analysed and evaluated rail and related assets (i.e. adjacent lands and buildings on site) then developed an approach and a business plan towards purchase of the Fife Lake Subdivision on behalf of several rural municipalities and villages, including traffic forecasting, marketing plans and salvage values. Formulated an operating plan and purchase strategy. Arranged for licensing approvals. 


Great Western Railway

Evaluation and Business Case for Short Line Railway

Team leader - analysed and evaluated rail assets then developed an approach and a business plan towards purchase of the Great Western Railway, including traffic forecasting, marketing plans and salvage values including all rail assets and related lands and structures. Formulated a business plan, operating plan and purchase strategy. Arranged for licensing approvals. 


Labour Negotiator (RailAmerica) (2000)

Ottawa Valley Railway

Developed a negotiating strategy for contract renewal. Undertook analysis of and recommended changes to the employee benefit plan. Developed collective agreement clauses and produced draft agreements for both Ottawa Valley RR and Ontario Southern Railway.


KnightHawk / Trillium Rail Consortium (1999)

Evaluation and Business Case for Short Line Railways

As Team leader, analysed and evaluated rail assets then developed an approach and a business plan towards purchase of CN’s Okanagan subdivision. Formulated a business plan, operating plan and purchase strategy. Arranged for licensing approvals. Negotiated a comprehensive collective agreement with CCROU and BMWE.


Trillium Rail Consortium (1999)

Evaluation and Business Case for Short Line Railways

As Team leader, analysed and evaluated rail assets then developed an approach and a business plan towards purchase of CN subdivisions (Cornwall and West Welland). Formulated a business plan, operating plan and purchase strategy for the acquisition of the CP Outlook Subdivision.


Short Line Railway Feasibility Study

(Canada, Municipalities of Arborfield and Zenon Park, 1997, Project Manager)

Team leader for a team of three consultants that analyzed and evaluated rail assets then developed an approach and a business plan to enable the communities at issue to decide upon the purchase of a rail line by the community and its operation as a profitable going concern.


Ethelbert - Dauphin Shortline Feasibility Study

(Canada, 1997, Project Manager, Arborfield – Zenon Park Industrial Development Committee)

Team leader for a team of four consultants that analysed and evaluated rail assets then developed an approach and a business plan to enable the communities at issue to decide upon the purchase of a rail line by the community and its operation as a profitable going concern. Advised and abetted the negotiation process with the national carrier. Developed a rail oriented business plan for a major customer of the line.


ICR Internal Short line (1996-1997)

Canadian National Railways

Carried out a viability study and outlined a negotiating strategy for the development of and subsequent establishment of an employee owned internal Short line railway. The concept provided for the organisational redesign and revisions to operating procedures, rates of pay and work rules to facilitate the re-engineering of approximately 250 miles of rail lines, operating 10 trains per day, including approximately 100 employees and seven unions. Identified and negotiated changes required to achieve an annualised savings of $2.0M per annum.


Ottawa Valley CN - CP Co-production Initiative (1992 - 1994)

Responsible to manage various Special Projects aimed at improving the profitability and efficiency of CN rail activities in Central Canada with overall responsibility for negotiating and implementing the 700- km Ottawa Valley joint line usage (co-production agreement) initiative with Canadian Pacific Railways (CP). This initiative is a first in Canada and which resulted in the elimination of some 280 km of wasteful duplication on two under-used and often parallel rail lines, with an annual savings of $70.0M.


Operations (1964 - 1979)

Canadian National Railways

Fifteen years operating experience as a Trainmaster and General Yard Coordinator, Yardmaster, Conductor, Yard Foreman and crew management at Vancouver, Jasper, Prince George, Edmonton, Biggar and Humboldt on CN's former Prairie and Mountain Regions.



1977 Bachelor of Arts - Economics, University of Alberta, Edmonton


Employment Record

2004 – Present:

Principal Central Canadian Railway Inc.

Central Canadian Railway Inc. (CCR), established in 2004, is a provider of integrated short line railroad solutions. We deliver turn key customized, distinctive and sustainable solutions to meet and exceed clients needs, ethically and professionally. CCR is a mix of seasoned rail professionals with numerous years of experience in the rail industry, coupled with specialist advisors as the business case warrants. With such credentials, CCR provides solutions for the most complex of projects relating to the creation of short line railroads and industrial switching operations, from initial consultation to the development of operational, marketing and administrative frame works for the projects we handle. Our principals have also had international experience in the matter of concessioning public to private rail projects in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thailand, Jordan, Nigeria, and Saudi Arabia. CCR is the only Canadian company who specializes in the creation of viable turn key short line opportunities from the pool of currently available properties from CN and CP and who can provide reliable, efficient and professional contract operations services for selected properties and clients. CCR performs contract train operations and switching for short line railroads and industrial customers. CCR operates or is scheduled to operate on more than 100 miles of owned and leased track.


2002 – 2003

Rail America – Goderich Exeter Railway, Operations Manager

Manage the day to day operations of the Goderich Exeter including the administration of the transportation budget, the operation of trains, supervision of unionized operations staff in terms of, safety, utilization and administration. Act as a customer liaison in terms of service issues. Act as a public relations interface in the matter of local external issues and concerns. Act as the company’s principle resource in terms of collective agreement administration. Act as a labour relations generalist for other of the company’s short line operations upon request.



CPCS Transcom Ltd.. Ottawa Canada, Director Human Resources

Contract position; performed the staffing portion of proposal preparation for off-shore projects; acted as a head-hunter for third party agencies; designed the company’s Internet site; consolidated the consultant data base; acted as a team leader and consultant on Canadian short line projects in Manitoba and Saskatchewan; acted as a consultant (labour specialist) on various other projects. (see Item 11 hereunder)


1995 to 2003

Rail Management Inc, Principal

Consulted with national railroads concerning Labour relations and strategic planning matters. Acted as a consultant to short line railroads in the matter of the negotiation of first collective agreements. Acted as an agent and advisor in the purchase of short line properties.


1994 to 1995

Canadian National Railways (CN), Toronto, Canada, Manager Workforce Planning, Human Resources, Great Lakes Region

Overall responsibility to plan and implement changes to effect the 1993- 1995 Regional workforce reductions.


1993 – 1994

Canadian National Railways, Toronto, Canada, Project Officer Transit Expansion, Great Lakes Region

Overall responsibility to implement improvements to customer relations between CN and GO Transit.

1991 – 1993

Canadian National Railways, Toronto, Canada, Co-ordinator Special Projects, Toronto Business Planning, Great Lakes Region

Responsible to manage various Special Projects aimed at improving the profitability and efficiency of CN rail activities in Central Canada. Had overall responsibility for negotiating and implementing, for CN, the 700- km Ottawa Valley joint line usage (co-production agreement) initiative with Canadian Pacific Railways (CP). This initiative is a first in Canada and will result in the elimination of some 280 km of wasteful duplication on two under-used and often parallel rail lines.

1989 – 1991

Canadian National Railways, Montreal, Canada Manager Network Rationalisation, Strategic Planning and Coordination Group

Developed and co-ordinated complex network rationalisation projects aimed at reducing CN''s operating cost structure and limiting future capital expenditures, while protecting and enhancing CN's position in the market place and improving the bottom line. designed, developed, negotiated and implemented agreements, which divested CN of noncore trackage through sale or trade of lines and traffic with other railroads, including the establishment of short-line entrepreneurs. Involved in the categorisation of the system rail network into core, secondary, conveyance, monitor and abandonment segments, through extensive internal discussion including CN Regional functions.

1983 – 1989

Canadian National Railways, Moncton, Canada, Manager Labour Relations

Directed the contractual labour/management relationship on behalf of CN's Atlantic Region. A total of 4500 employees are covered by any one of the 25 labour contracts in effect on the Region. Also responsible for providing consulting and guidance to Regional and line management on all activities associated with the administration of unionised employees; administering the grievance procedure including arbitration of disputes on behalf of CN's Atlantic Region; negotiating all collective agreements and memoranda specific to the Atlantic Region; and developing a competent, effective and motivated support staff.

1980 – 1983

Canadian National Railways, Montreal, Canada, Manager Labour Relations

Negotiating collective agreements and participating with the Company's negotiating team in National Contract bargaining; administrating and interpreting collective agreements; grievance resolution and arbitration; and representing CN before the Canada Labour Relations Board, conciliation proceedings and Boards of Adjustment.


1979 – 1980

Canadian National Railways, Co-ordinator Manpower Planning

Responsible for developing a Manpower Plan for CN's Mountain Region covering all aspects of the Company's operations and administration. A total of 8000 employees were affected by the plan, which was meant to halt the high attrition rate of skilled staff during the economic boom period in Western Canada.

1977 – 1979

Canadian National Railways, Personnel Officer

Responsible for annual staff reviews, salary administration, selection and development of personnel, co-ordination of Management training, implementation of new legislation (e.g. Human Rights Act) and organisational development.

1964 – 1977

Canadian National Railways, General Yard Co-ordinator and other supervisory positions within CN Operations

Day-to-day responsibility for train marshalling activities at one of CN's busiest terminals. Supervised a staff of some 50 unionised personnel, ensuring that service design standards were efficiently met. Operating responsibilities including the role of Brakeman, Conductor, Yard Foreman, Yard Master.

Languages Speak Read Write
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Good Good Good